Simah'z Lazy Fish Dish

1. Tuna
1 slice of tuna.
Put it on a plate.
Sprinkle some herbs(anything u want), salt and pepper.
Cook it in the oven.
2. Boiled corn
Sprinkled with salt and a bash of melted butter
3. Steamed veggies (carrot,potatoes,fresh peas)
steam them all.
While they are still hot, add butter, salt n pepper.
Whatever u prefer..ur taste ur choice
5. semiz otu salad
semiz otu
yogurt (not watery yogurt..this is thick yogurt..or u may use thick cream??)
mix them all. U may not have semiz otu..blanched spinach/or fresh spinach can replace semiz otu.
6. Bread
All six in one beloved iced coke next to it..Alhamdulillah...yum yum..
any simple turkish salad? yg ingredientnye senang nak cari kat m'sia..
ada..nanti tonight or tomorrow morning (my time) i addkan kat sini..sekarang nak kena kemas rumahhhhhhhhhhh..tunggu yea?
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