Simahz Çoban Salata

This is a salad so simple to make...yet is easy for the mouth to chew...All u need is the ingredients..a very sharp knife (mau potong semua kecik kecik)..and ur patience :0) halil loves it..baba loves it...i love it..well..this is reason enough for me to put this salad in my top salad requested..a salad i think any Malaysian can do.
3 tomatoes
1 onion
3-4 green chilli
cucumber (the amount depends onthe type of the cucumber in ur country)
1 carrot
parsley leaves
olive oil
lemon juice

-Slice all salad ingredients into small pieces using a sharp knife
-add in the salt, pepper and the lemon juice (last minute before serving)
-add olive oil (last minute before serving)
-the amount of the salad ingredients is up to u..i never really count how many tomatoes or cucumber to put..just decided urself. This is just a guideline
-for those in Malaysia, u may not have lemon there. Lime juice or grape vinegar can replace the lemon juice.
-I personally love to add thin slices of fresh mint (when in season) or dried mint n a pinch of dried oregano (not too much ).I find it refreshing
-When in season, to add very small cut florets of brocolli is a good idea too (the only easy way i get to feed halil brocolli..the only way he likes to eat brocolli)
-if u have not much of an ingredient, tomatoes, onion n cucumber make the basic of this salad and is as delicious as ever (the addition of carrot etc etc is for colors. i love i want my food colourful as well)
-some may find fresh cut onion with a stingy hot taste (pedas sikit). To take away the taste, after slicing the onion, let it rest in water with salt added. Let it rest a few minutes and squeeze the onion. If u do this, the stingy taste of the onion will go but the crunchiness of the onion will be gone as well..
Try it! u'll see why i like it! :0)
lemon juice ganti dgn apa lagi? i kena pantang ni..limau2 tak boleh :-)..
did u invent this? siap ada nama simah lagi tu..
heheh i limau.. the lime/lemon n olive oil is the basic ingredient for any vegetable salad..but in ur condition..i suggest u omit lemon or lime or vinegar..just add in olive oil n salt. kurang masam..kurang piawww tapi hey! i am not the pregnant one here! heheh
tak der la..coban salata memang ada in the normal resepi..cuma dia basic ja..i mean, cabai, tomato, timun n bawang. i suka color n i add la kan whatever yg i ada kat fridge..mcm red turnip, small cuts fresh mushroom..or small florets of cauliflower..add whichever veggies that u love..but make sure u cut it into small pieces..
p.s- u should jaga ur salt intake as well nanti kembung kaki tangan.:0) stay away from pickles n asamm! :0=)..i dok makan asam mo far kor!! hahahahaha
by the way..i have another type of salad for u..tapi nanti i letak yek?
mana dapat asam mor far kor..sapa yg berisi ni..?:-)
at this moment i takde rasa nak mkn apa2 lagi. dah 8 weeks
8 minggu?? u have known it ages ago n u didnt tell me?..tak memang nak ketuk..n there i was..being careful not to cerita pasal my kids terover dlm my blog.. eh u kena morning sickness tak?
ala asam mo far kor my mom kirim kat guests yg nak datang rumah i thursday ni.. diaorang transit kat istanbul ari tu sebelum pi i ambik la packet yg mak i antar dari depa...3 more days before they r here..rumah tak abis kemas lagi!! tolong wei!! kemas tiap hari.. sepah balik..penatnya nak kemas mcm ni la..
ala..masa i pregnant dulu..2 pregnancy..i kempunan nak makan asam ko..tak der orang nak poskan masa tu..sodeh eden.. so la ni i am not berisi (except berisi lemak..selulit)..kira ni balas dendam la ni!! hehehehe
by the way..nama u apa? ka satu rahsia?..hmmm let me introduce myself..i am *simah* hahahaha
it was a long story, bukan tak nak inform, on 10th may, i had an appoinment (follow up with gynea)..check2, buat urine test-negatif, scan-negatif, so doctor suggest i makan ubat bg turun period, and come back on the 8th day of period and go for next steps of treatment...i pun balik la dgn sedih..hubby outstation masa tu 1 week kat johor..
dah instinct agaknya...i langsung tak sentuh ubat tu,..i tawakal, kalau ada rezeki i, insyallah ada..
so i buat mcm biasa, minum sprite, pi site, ligan keta org yang nak langgar i, angkat baldi...etc..last2 dah lewat..few weeks..hari ke 52 i buat test..faint line(relate back to my entry) confuse la kami..tunggu lagi...
last week on monday, bangun pagi rasa mcm nak pi clinic, i told hubby i think i;m pi la check..positif..mcm tak percaya..alhamdulillah..masa tu rupa2nye dah 7 weeks..
skrg ni takde muntah2, loya pun jarang, craving pun takde..cuma one part (b#@b) saja sakit sikit..
nama eh?...kalau ni nama arab, tapi dah common kat m'sia..maksudnya : senang dan mudah
start with "S" jugak
ooo..mcm tu ka cerita..mcm mak dia..budak ni pon suka main riddle n hide n seek..tengok la tu..still dok main riddle..i tellu what..i will just think of u as *Sumo mom*!!! ala..insyaAllah in a very near future u will be sumoing with ur kid..kalau selalu mengantuk sangat..tu selalunya pompuan..pompuan best nak dress upkan dia ..kalau lelaki..teruk nak kejar dia satu rumah :0)tak kisahla..insyaAllah keluar dulu dari mak dia punya perut kan:0)
'su' tu dah betul
*su* means *air in bahasa turki heheh
su as in suhaila?
gulppp...u ada psikik eh?
instincts my dear instincts...when u said ur name starts with *s*my instincts terus cakap nama tu..but i played along the guessing game heheheh
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