Norlu Biber

This is a recipe i get from Muyesse Yenge when i was still a young bride. Halil was still working as my turkish translator at that time. Years passed n i still cook this at least twice a week.. halil simply loves it.. i am not sure but i think this is a rumeli recipe..
Step A
5 or 6 green pepper (lada hijau) - cut into around 6cm long n3 or 4 cm wide
oil for frying
Step B
500 g Lor peynir (Lor cheese) -crumbled
4 or 5 tomatoes (skin peeled n the inside grated)
3 tablespoon of olive oil (up to ur taste)
Step A
-Fry the green pepper until the sides turn a bit brown.
-Drain n put aside
Step B
-Pour the into a pan (non sticking pan is preferable)
-Add in the grated tomatoes
-Let it cooked until it is turned into some sort of a sauce.
-Add water if necessary
-Add in lor cheese
-Mix all the ingredients evenly using a spatula.
-Add in salt n pepper
Step C
-Mix the fried green pepper with the ingredients in step B
-Decorate if u wish with the fried green pepper on top.
-To be eaten cold
-Lor peynir is one type of cheese that can be found in turkey. I am not sure if there is an english name for it. I doubt it.
-When buying Lor cheese, make sure u ask the seller whether it is salty (tuzlu) or saltless (tuzsuz). If it is salty, u wont need to add salt while cooking. Else....hehehehe
-Norlu Biber without the fried green pepper wont be the same. I tried it n halil didnt like it.
-Some people like halil loves the norlu biber to be a bit oily. Some people like me dont. The amount of olive oil used in this recipe depends on u.
-Norlu biber is nice to be eaten next to speghetti n meat.. chicken, meat..kofte..ur choice.. n not forgetting..salad!!
Have fun trying!!
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