This is a dish cooked in the Kurban Bayram (Raya Haji) in the Zaim family...it is also generally cooked by the turkish population in general using the meat slaughtered on that holy day (be it sheep or cow).
The Kavurma cooked at baba every bayram. Recipe by Kerim n Meşe. I think this is the traditional version.
Fresh meat
Fresh Kidney
Fresh Liver
-Melt the butter in a pan (how much depending on ur meat)
-Add in the meat into the pan
-Add in a bit of water... just enough to cover the meat.
-Turn the heat to maximum.
-Once the water starts boiling,cover the lid, turn the heat to the minimum and let it cook for at least one hour and a half or until the meat is soft.
-Add in the salt and pepper to taste right before u turn off the heat.
-Do all the above processes for liver and kidney.. all in separate pans. U can mix all the liver n kidney and meat all together in the while cooking them. The zaims cook them all in separate pans since not everyone likes to eat liver and kidney. Hence the separation.
-Kavurma is to be eaten with rice...
Kavurma-Simah's way (My modified version)
Tomatoes -diced n chopped into small pieces
Basil (dried or fresh)
Meat,Kidney and Liver
-Add n the butter into the pan
-Fry the diced onions till soft
-Add n the chopped tomatoes and basil. Cook it till it is soft.. n turn into some sort of sauce. Turn off the heat.
-In another pan, stir fry the meat with a bit of butter for 5 minutes. Put the meat in the pan with the onion n tomato sauce in it
-Repeat the same stir fry processe for liver n kidney.
-Once all the meat, liver and kidney have been stir fried, Turn on the heat of the pan again. Add in water... The water should be just enough to cover the meat.
-Turn the heat to the maximum.
-Once the water starts boiling, cover the lid and turn off the heat to the minimum. Let it cook till the meat is soft.
-Add in salt and pepper before turning off the heat.
-I love to eat kavurma with rice and fresh green salads.
The salt should be put into the pan at the last minute. This is to prevent the meat from being hard.
Afiyet olsun!
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