Potato Salad
IngredientsPotatoescarrots (dice)(fresh or canned)peas (fresh or canned)mayonaisesaltpeppera very bit of olive oil (very bit)Steps-boil the potatoes till soft-boil the diced carrots n peas (if fresh)-use a fork n mash the potatoes-add enough salt n pepper n olive oil-add the mayonaiseReminder-I like to add thinly sliced dill and parsley as wellThis is a very simple salad. Nice to be eaten next to BBQ or oven baked meat/chicken with pasta like spaghetti etc..
Simahz Çoban Salata
This is a salad so simple to make...yet is easy for the mouth to chew...All u need is the ingredients..a very sharp knife (mau potong semua kecik kecik)..and ur patience :0) halil loves it..baba loves it...i love it..well..this is reason enough for me to put this salad in my top salad list..so traveler..as requested..a salad i think any Malaysian can do.Ingredients3 tomatoes1 onion3-4 green chillicucumber (the amount depends onthe type of the cucumber in ur country)1 carrotparsley leavesolive oillemon juice
saltpepperSteps-Slice all salad ingredients into small pieces using a sharp knife-add in the salt, pepper and the lemon juice (last minute before serving)-add olive oil (last minute before serving)Reminder-the amount of the salad ingredients is up to u..i never really count how many tomatoes or cucumber to put..just decided urself. This is just a guideline-for those in Malaysia, u may not have lemon there. Lime juice or grape vinegar can replace the lemon juice.-I personally love to add thin slices of fresh mint (when in season) or dried mint n a pinch of dried oregano (not too much ).I find it refreshing-When in season, to add very small cut florets of brocolli is a good idea too (the only easy way i get to feed halil brocolli..the only way he likes to eat brocolli)-if u have not much of an ingredient, tomatoes, onion n cucumber make the basic of this salad and is as delicious as ever (the addition of carrot etc etc is for colors. i love colors..so i want my food colourful as well)-some may find fresh cut onion with a stingy hot taste (pedas sikit). To take away the taste, after slicing the onion, let it rest in water with salt added. Let it rest a few minutes and squeeze the onion. If u do this, the stingy taste of the onion will go but the crunchiness of the onion will be gone as well..Try it! u'll see why i like it! :0)